Haalah Toby Keith Unleased Asarafi

Haalah Toby Keith Unleased Asarafi

My beautiful black grizzle boy, Toby Keith was sent to Veronica Margelin, breeder of Asarafi Kennel in Finland. Our agreement was she would send me a pup from her next breeding as payment. Unfortunately, as we were discussing which pup I would receive, Veronika became seriously ill and died. With Veronika’s death, her family refused to honor the agreement and I did not receive a pup.

Toby lives in a wonderful home but the owner does not like showing. I was told he is a big boy and no one in Finland wants to breed to a big dog. I find this fascinating as the male I imported from El Hamrah was the biggest boy most of us in the USA ever saw so maybe they are trying to get their size down. However, when he was shown as a very young dog, he received “Excellent” from the breeder judges that had the opportunity to see him before Veronika died. I’m happy is in a good home but regret that no one will see him and the breeding possibilities are nearly none. Such a waste of a beautiful male. I should have kept him. Kukka, his owner calls him Marlon, “The Godfather”.

For any interest in this beautiful boy, contact his owner: khakka@luukku.com

CH Haalah’s Aeolian Eurus JC CH Dadaelis C’Ar Haazim, LCM 3 CH Jeshins Arabis (Import, UK)  Roubayr of Barakel
CH Tamla Salom  
Dadaelis Chevaun’s Crystalite CH Dadaelis Khala Kharif
Dadaelis T’zi Chevaun  
CH Classicus Hortensia FC (Import, UK)  CH Pennyworth Riaz CH Shamal Kharaz  
CH Kaus Kezia  
CH Classicus Cassandra   Classicus Serendipity Nijinsky CC RCC
CH Burydown Iphigenia
Haalah Coco Chanel Classicus Hermes CH Pennyworth Riaz CH Shamal Kharaz  
CH Kaus Kezia  
CH Classicus Cassandra Classicus Serendipity Nijinsky CC RCC
CH Burydown Iphigenia
CH Haalah Sans Souci CH Dadaelis C’Ar Haazim, LCM 3   CH Jeshins Arabis (Import, UK) 
Dadaelis Chevaun’s Crystalite
Ch. Haalah Firuza Fauve Heathland Ch. El Hamrah Dari Zain Haalah
BISS Firuza Francesca of Heathland