Mamnouna’s Waalaaschaan (German Import)
Born: February 16, 2007
Breeder: Ariane Failer, Mamnouna Salukis, Germany
I imported Wally from one of the most successful top racing kennels in Germany. I had visited with Ariane Failer while working in Germany. Her breeding program has been using old German salukis lines and blending them with some proven COO. COO=Country Of Origin. Wally’s pedigree contains 3 COO that were imported into Germany from Iran.
I was somewhat hesitate to introduce COO into my pedigree as I’m suspect of what is behind COO salukis. The salukis in Wally’s pedigree were used by several German breeders, producing excellent get. Therefore, I was happy to bring these COO lines into my breeding program for health and genetic vigor. The old German lines behind him are the beautiful old type which were the foundation dogs behind several famous English kennels, namely Burydown and Daxlore.
Wally is a small desert type saluki without a lot of feathering. He is extremely intelligent and high spirited. He possesses great speed and we are looking forward to pursuing his Field Titles. In his very first ASFA field trial, Dec 31, 2009, he easily won both days and took BOB. He is pointed in AKC and ASFA Lure Coursing and NOTRA, oval track racing. Wally is a very intense runner.
Wally sired the S’Wa litter, consisting of 8 beautiful pups with our Ch. Haalah Sans Souci.
Maymouna’s Khashram | Mamnouna’s Gshagataa’i | Mamnouna’s Bash Kadyn | Mamnouna’s Arshadd | |
Delsadi al safi | ||||
Mamnouna’s Cheschmesch | Amir al Sulaimaniya (Imp. Iran) | |||
Delsadi al safi | ||||
Mamnouna’s Etzbutsch | Karun Marivan (imp. Iran) | |||
Mamnouna’s Afsanee | Shetab (imp. Iran) | |||
Bagheera Mumtachir ar rih | ||||
Mamnouna’s Gol Saadi | Mamnouna’s Bash Kadyn | Mamnouna’s Arshadd | Shetab (imp. Iran) | |
Bagheera Mumtachir ar rih | ||||
Delsadi al safi | Cesm Safid el Mashhur | |||
Tita’s Mamnouna Mumtachir ar rih | ||||
Mamnouna’s Cheschmesch | Amir al Sulaimaniya(Imp. Iran) | |||
Delsadi al safi | Cesm Safid el Mashhur | |||
Tita’s Mamnouna Mumtachir ar rih |
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